Proactive Planning Is The Only Way To Local Control

This article is another reminder that we have to be proactive if we don’t want careless developers dumping poorly planned projects in our community. Let’s prioritize planning together. We have to take control before we lose local control.

“California cities that are falling behind on housing production goals set by the state would be forced to remove some of their development restrictions under legislation from a Bay Area state senator.

State Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) released new details in his bill, SB 35, Monday morning that would require cities to approve new housing in areas already zoned for high-density development provided developers set aside some units for low-income residents. The bill’s provisions would only apply in cities where growth isn’t keeping pace with housing production targets developed by the state every eight years that are designed to ensure California has enough homes for its growing population to live affordably.

Wiener, a former San Francisco supervisor, said California’s affordability crisis requires the state to involve itself more in housing development, which is primarily controlled by local governments.

‘Local control is about how a community achieves its housing goals, not whether it achieves those goals,” Wiener said in a statement. “SB 35 sets clear and reasonable standards to ensure that all communities are part of the solution by creating housing for our growing population.'”

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Read the full story in the LA Times